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Welcome to

St. Clare of Montefalco

Catholic School

Explore our classrooms, view teacher videos, and review our curriculum by navigating the menu at the top of this page.


If you would like more information, please fill out the form on the "Contact" page and the school will contact you shortly.


Our Mission

St. Clare of Montefalco Catholic School is a Gospel presence in our diverse community. We are dedicated to educating and empowering children of all faiths by providing a quality Catholic education focused on faith, academics, and life-long service.

Ann K. Crowley, Principal

Fr. Andrew, Pastor

Welcome from our Administration


Parent Testimonials

"St. Clare has really helped our daughter develop into a bright, compassionate, and outgoing child. We believe that St. Clare has truly prepared her for her future. Sage has made friends that we know will last a lifetime. The teachers she has encountered feel more like family, and we will certainly miss them."

- Satyra Johnson, 2020 8th grade parent

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